I found this interesting story on biz-community.com Ogilvy Cape Town’s art director Jennifer Macfarlane and copy writer Cuan Cronwright are the winners of The Times Young Creatives Competition, held 23 – 26 February 2008 at this year’s Design Indaba Expo. A PR stunt no doubt saw creatives pitting their skills against each other in a […]
Design Indaba 2008 ends off SA design Week
Gone are the good ol days when the big ad agency I’m working for sends me on an all expenses paid Design Indaba Conference. Sniff, being an Independent at the early stages of starting a business means I just can’t afford to attend a conference of this nature, in fact it almost went by without […]
1st WordPress Meetup Cape Town – Post Mortem
It was good to finally meet up and discuss wordpress with other enthusiasts today, and to see where others’ minds are at with regard to the future of the cms.
WordPress Meetup Cape Town – Monday 18 Feb
Finally it’s here, something I’ve been wanting to organise myself but haven’t managed to get around to doing, an (un)conference style wordpress meetup, and hopefully only the first of many to happen in Cape Town. Callum Macdonald, nomadic web worker and travelling entrepreneur hailing from Scotland was responsible for setting the ball in motion after […]
Open Coffee Feb 08 was gr8!
Yesterday’s Open Coffee event held at Origin Roasting in Cape Town was a great success. I met some really interesting people and put faces to a few names I’ve come across online for a while. A little before the event I met with Callum Macdonald from Scotland who’s graced our shores with his nomadic presence […]
mmm, Open Coffee on tomorrow at Origin Roasting 2pm in Cape Town.
You might have noticed a post I recently wrote which took a look at the trend of drinking alcohol at Networking sessions and other web & entrepreneurial gatherings. Dave Duarte, the mind behind huddlemind.com, posted a comment suggesting I check out Open Coffee which takes place the first Thursday of every month. Tomorrow I will […]